General Translation  
Next.js CLI Tool


Integrates the gt-next library with your project


npx gt-next-cli setup


The gt-next-cli setup command automatically sets up your project for translation. It does this by parsing your project's file tree and using babel to wrap the <T> component around static content. Any dynamic content will be automatically wrapped with <Var> components.

This command should be run once, during the initial internationalization of your project. On subsequent changes, you should use the scan command to update your project.

See the scan command for more details.

import { T, Var } from 'gt-next'; 
export default function Home({ user }) {
  return (
      <T id="app.home.0">
        Hello, World! My name is <Var>{ }</Var>


--src <path>The source directory to scanstringtrue./src && ./app && ./pages && ./components
--config <path>The path to the GT config filestringtrue"gt.config.json"


Configuration file

When running the CLI tool for the first time, it will attempt to create a gt.config.json file in the root of your project. This file contains metadata about your project that is used to translate your content.

Read more about the gt.config.json file here.

The id prop

The setup command gives the option of automatically generating unique IDs for your <T> components. This is useful for projects that use a lot of <T> components and want to avoid manually having to assign each one a unique ID.

This id is useful for referencing specific translations in the translation editor and in the console.

<T> injection behavior

Basic case

The CLI will wrap JSX elements at the highest possible level. This means that it will wrap the entire component in a <T> component if it is not already wrapped.

<div>Hello, World!</div> -> <T id="SOME_ID"><div>Hello, World!</div></T>

See the reference for more details on how the <T> component is wrapped.

<GTProvider> behavior

For the Next.js App Router, the setup command will automatically wrap the <T> component in a <GTProvider> component within the appropriate layout.jsx file.

Additionally, it will setup the withGTConfig Next.js plugin in the next.config.js file for you.


The setup command will automatically format the changes it makes to your codebase with Prettier, Biome, or ESLint depending on your project's configuration.

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