General Translation  

Open Source

General Translation libraries are open source!


All of our libraries are open source and free to use. They work fully standalone, out of the box.

You can use them in any project, without needing to ever create an account or sign up for General Translation services.

Standalone, our libraries support the following features:

  • Wrapping entire React components for translation
  • Dictionaries
  • Easy project setup
  • Middleware

Using General Translation as a translation provider will unlock the following features:

  • On-demand translation
  • Automatic AI translations
  • A no-hassle translation CDN

How to use

To use gt-next or gt-react with your own translation provider, use local translations:

Managing translations

To generate the translation files for your project, run the CLI tool with the following command:

npx gt-next-cli generate -t <path to translation files>

This command will generate the JSON data files for your project's source code. You can then use these files with your own translation provider. To load the translations into gt-next or gt-react, use the loadTranslation function, as specified in the local translations guide.

See the API reference for Next.js and React for more information.

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