
Docs for General Translation's localization libraries

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What is General Translation?

General Translation is an entire internationalization (i18n) stack that allows you to ship multilingual apps quickly and easily.

General Translation includes the following:

  • Open-source developer libraries for React and Next.js
  • An AI translation service
  • A complete infrastructure package for serving translation content

If you would like to use GT libraries with your own translation provider, please see our standalone docs.

If you would like to use your own i18n library, but still want to use General Translation's AI translation service, please see our CLI tool docs.


⚛️ Translate entire React components in-line

  • A single opening and closing <T> component is all you need to translate an entire React component.
    • No need for complex refactoring or messy function calls.
  • Content is in-line and in the same location as your code.
    • No keys, strings, or additional files are needed!
  • The library manages all i18n logic behind the scenes, so you don't have to.
  • Translations are always kept in sync with your source code.
  • Translations contain contextual information about the content, so they are more accurate.
export default function Page() {
  return (
      <p>You can write any JSX as children of the {"<T>"} component.</p>
        For example, you could write a <a href="/">link</a> and have the text be
        translated in context.
          <p>Even deeply nested components are translated in context.</p>
          <button>Click me!</button>

🔎 Feature parity with existing libraries

  • GT libraries also support the same features as existing libraries like i18next, react-intl, and next-intl.
  • Features such as dictionaries, plurals, currencies, and automatic routing are all supported.

🧠 Free AI-powered translation service

  • Our free AI-powered translation service allows you to create translations for your app in seconds.
  • Translation hot reload will automatically update your translations as you write them.
  • HTML content is re-arranged and customized according to the language.

🔧 Developer-friendly

  • Setup is simple and can be done in minutes.
  • All GT libraries are open-source and work standalone.
    • You can use your own translation provider or use our free AI-powered translation service.
  • No more wasting time managing translation keys like t('menu.header.title').
    • Just write everything in-line!

See our Github repo for the source code and some example projects.

These docs are under construction. Please create an issue on our GitHub repository if what you're looking for isn't here.

Why choose General Translation?

General Translation is an entire i18n stack, including developer libraries, AI translations, and a complete infrastructure package for multilingual apps.

You can mix and match our libraries with your own translation provider, or use our free AI-powered translation service with your own i18n library.

For a seamless, end-to-end i18n experience, we recommend using our libraries with our translation service.

With GT libraries like gt-react and gt-next, you can:

1. Translate entire React components, not just strings

UI passed as the children of the <T> component will be translated regardless of how complicated the JSX tree is. For example:

import { T } from "gt-next";
export default function Page() {
  return (
      <p>Any children of <b>the {`<T>`} component</b> will be translated.</p>
        Things like <a href="/">links</a>{', '}
        <button>buttons</button>{', '}
        and even <div> <div> <div> deeply nested components </div> </div> </div>  are translated.

2. Translate both client and server components

With first class support for the Next.js App Router and React Server Components, you can translate both client and server components.

import getName from "@/getName";
import { T, Var } from "gt-next";
export default async function MyServerComponent() {
  const name = await getName();
  return (
      Hello, <Var>{name}</Var>
"use client";
import { useState } from "react";
import { T, Var } from "gt-next";
export default function MyClientComponent() {
  const [name, setName] = useState("Alice");
  return (
      Hello, <Var>{name}</Var>

3. Write content inline or in dictionaries

JSX content placed inside a <T> component is marked for translation:

import { T } from "gt-next";
export default function Page() {
  return (
      <p>Hello, World!</p>  {/* translates <p>Hello, World!</p> */}

Alternatively, if you prefer using the historic dictionary approach, you can write your content in a dictionary file:

  "greeting": "Hello, World!"
import { useDict } from "gt-next";
export default function Page() {
  const d = useDict();
  return d('greeting'); // translates "Hello, World!"

4. View translated content in development

No need to worry about how UI looks in different languages, General Translation will automatically translate your content as you write it in real-time.

Instead of having to continuously revise your UI multiple times in production, simply write your content in English once and let General Translation handle the rest.

Need to see how your UI elements look in German before deploying? No problem, General Translation will automatically translate them for you!

5. Translate content on-demand

Apps often need to translate content only known at runtime. For Next.js, GT libraries support the ability to translate content on demand.

Some common examples include:

  • User-specific information
  • Remotely stored content
  • Content that is generated dynamically

Once the translation is loaded, it will rewrite your component in real time with the new translation content.

Get started

Follow the Quickstart guide to ship your first translations.

npm i gt-next

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