General Translation  


API Reference for the initGT() method.


The initGT() function initializes General Translation (GT) settings for a Next.js application. It is used in next.config.js to configure translation behavior, supported locales, default language settings, and other translation-related options. This function returns a plugin for the Next.js configuration, enabling GT integration seamlessly.

Use initGT() to:

  • Configure supported languages and default locale (a.k.a fallback language).
  • Set up API keys and project IDs for accessing GT services.
  • Customize translation behavior, caching, and request batching.

initGT() must be used in your next.config.js file to enable translation functionality.


Recommended Props

localesstring[]A list of supported locales for the application. If not provided, it defaults to the first locale or the default locale set.
descriptionstringA natural language description of the site, used to aid translation.

Advanced Props

projectIDstringProject ID, which can be included here or as an environment variable.
preferredModelProvider"anthropic" | "openai"Your first choice AI model provider. Currently only Anthropic or OpenAI are enabled. Leave this blank and we'll figure out the best provider on a translation-by-translation basis. In periods of high usage or when a provider is disabled, we can't guarantee that your preferred provider will be used.
baseURLstringhttps://prod.gtx.devBase URL for the GT API. To disable automatic translation, set this to an empty string.
cacheURLstringhttps://cache.gtx.devURL where cached translations are stored. Can be customized to point to a custom cache server.
renderSettings{ fallbackToPrevious: boolean, method: "skeleton" | "replace" | "hang" | "subtle", timeout: number | null }{ "fallbackToPrevious": true, "method": "skeleton", "timeout": null }An object specifying how on-demand translations should be rendered.
_maxConcurrentRequestsnumber2Maximum number of concurrent translation requests allowed to the GT API.
_batchIntervalnumber1000Interval in milliseconds between batched translation requests. Helps control the rate at which requests are sent.
i18nstringOptional configuration filepath for custom getLocale() functions. If provided as a string, it will be resolved as a path. Otherwise, defaults are used (recommended).
dictionarystringOptional configuration filepath for the dictionary. Similar to i18n, it accepts a string to specify a custom path. Dictionaries called dictionary.js (or .jsx, .ts, .tsx etc.) and placed at the root or in the src folder are supported by default.


A function (NextConfig) => NextConfig that enhances the Next.js configuration object with the specified GT settings.


Basic Usage

This example configures gt-next with English (en-US) as the default locale, supports translations in Spanish (es) and French (fr), and provides a description for context-aware translation.

// next.config.mjs
import { initGT } from 'gt-next/config';
const withGT = initGT({
    defaultLocale: 'en-US',
    locales: ['en-US', 'es', 'fr'],
    description: 'A personal blog about technology and travel',
export default withGT({});


  • initGT() integrates GT translation functionality into your Next.js app and must be used in the root configuration file.
  • Parameters like apiKey and projectId can be set directly in the configuration or as environment variables.
  • Advanced parameters like renderSettings and _batchInterval allow fine-grained control over translation behavior and performance.

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